Sunday, October 25, 2015

Mrs Klein’s Top Horror Stories

After finishing Horrorstör the other day, Mrs Klein remarked that although she does not prefer the horror genre, she sure is surprised by how many horror stories she has read.

Here is a selection of her favourites:

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Victor Frankenstein is a scientist who creates a creature from parts of dead people. After the monster is rejected by Frankenstein, he seeks his revenge. Published in 1818, the story of this lonely and rejected creature still remains one of the saddest stories that I have ever read. 

Dracula by Bram Stoker

First published in 1897, Dracula by Bram Stoker is where the horror story really began. The story of a Vampire with an insatiable thirst for blood - preferably by sucking it from the neck of young ladies.

Vlad : the last confession by C.C. Humphreys

Not really a horror story but is based on what is known about Vlad Tepes (Vlad The Impaler) the 15th century Prince of Wallachia, known as Dracula. After reading this story, I have great sympathy for this man who was betrayed, imprisoned and tortured yet managed to be a great ruler. It is also a great story about the Crusades and gives an insight into the mind of the man who inspired Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Lots of battles.

The enemy by Charlie Higson

This is a world where everyone over the age of fifteen becomes a zombie. In this world without responsible adults, it is up to a group of kids to band together to survive in a lawless London. Lots of exploding corpses and gory scenes!

The prey by Andrew Fukuda

This is a world which has been taken over by creatures who farm humans for their meat. Their desire for human flesh is so strong that the people in these farms need to be kept under a dome during the night to prevent them from being eaten. Gene has lived incognito with these vampire-like creatures all his life but when he reaches puberty, his smell become life-threatening so he must escape. If you want to read something which is truly scary then this is the book for you! The Prey is the first book in “The Hunt” trilogy.

Hunter and collector by S. Carey

Don’t be fooled into thinking that this short story is a book for little kids. When the Alien (Mrs Hunter) chooses William she thinks she has found the perfect prey but everything is not as it seems.

Horrorstor: a novel by Grady Hendrix

If you have ever been lost in Ikea you will know how scary this can be. In Horrorstor, a group of people volunteers to stay overnight in the Orsk furniture superstore in Cleveland, Ohio because mysterious things have happened during the night.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

Yet another vampire story where the vampires have kept their true identity hidden. When seventeen-year-old Bella goes to live with her father in Forks, Washington, she meets a boy in her science class who appears to be repelled by her but surprise, surprise, he’s hiding a dark secret. Read it to find out what makes Edward so attractive to girls and why this novel went on spawn the paranormal romance genre. But don’t watch the movie - It’s dreadful!

Mrs Klein

Do you have a favourite horror story that isn't listed here? Share it with us below!

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