Thursday, October 15, 2015

Long Live the Bookface!

If you are familiar with the Library’s Instagram account, you have probably noticed a weekly phenomenon – the Bookface. Every Friday a photo appears of one or two Trinity students, their faces fully or partially obscured, strategically lined up alongside a book cover featuring the matching part of the face. That is really all there is to it!

Except that, as is the way when it comes to social media, it is by no means all there is to it. The photos have become more complex; torsos, arms, legs and even whole bodies are now included. The aim is to make it all merge seamlessly and create an instant piece of art. The worldwide trend to add #bookfacefriday to these photos is allowing libraries everywhere to show their fun side online, and it has become insanely popular.

Our #bookfacefriday posts are our most popular on Instagram, sharing the stage with many other Bookface images from libraries and readers around the world. The weekly planning and execution of the Bookface photo has been embraced by our students. They seem to capture the imagination and reflect the sense of curiosity that we hope all boys experience here in the Library. So if you do not follow us on Instagram, please do and tap into the wonderful world of the Bookface!

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