Monday, February 29, 2016

Storm Front by Jim Butcher

Answer truthfully, when you see the word wizard what image comes up in your mind?

For me it's a majestic being in a light blue cloak carrying a magical staff with a book levitating in front of him, who can twirl up a tornado with the sound of a few words. Sounds grand, doesn't it? See, most people conjure up the same image, more or less, so when I started reading The Dreseden Files it changed my perspective completely.

Harry Dresden is a powerful wizard, a wizard so renowned he himself has been requested by the White Council (a court with the same power as the Australian High Court except for, well, wizards) to represent all wizards in numerous formal events. However instead of living a life of celebrity as you would assume, he lives in an old, musty basement, struggling to pay the rent with the money he earns from his few cases as a public wizard (the wizard version of Sherlock Holmes).

We are introduced to the main character in this first book of the Dresden Files, Storm Front. In general the plot is about the cases he undertakes, from small things such as finding a missing ring to solving murder cases. Mixed into this are complications from breaking one of the laws of magic written by the White Council to the quarrels he has with the leader of the vampires.

Without revealing too much of the book, Dresden is hired to find a missing husband but in fact stumbles upon a complicated set-up involving murders, black magic and a mob boss.

Overall, Jim Butcher's series The Dresden Files is an interesting and captivating idea. I recommend this book to young adult readers who like the fantasy and mystery genres. If you want to try a new book or are already a fan of the Sherlock Holmes mystery novels then you would enjoy this series.

Review by Siven

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