Monday, November 2, 2015

Movember has hit the Library!

The world of literature has given us some truly great moustaches.  Observe the wondrous examples of hirsuteness sported by Orwell, Shakespeare, Kipling, Hemingway, Conan Doyle, and Twain. 

Why am I looking at these authors, you ask? Because Movember has hit the Library this week and the library team is celebrating! For 30 days we'll get hairy, get active and get talking to help men live happier, healthier and longer lives. 

There are a few surprises around the library, with moustachioed librarian Mo Sistas (and one MoBro) and book covers adorned with facial hair. Come to the library and help us support those members of staff who are growing a moustache to raise awareness and funds for men’s health. Cast your vote for the best moustache!

How to get involved? 

Gentlemen (Mo Bros)
  • growing a mo? Reply or visit the Library so that we may snap your before, in-progress, and after pics
  • think you are a moustache aficionado? A reminder there are rules
  • join our team! Need help setting up a fundraising page? Reply or visit the Library and we will help you become a walking, talking billboard for men’s health
  • no mo-tivation to grow a mo? Take the MOVE challenge instead! OR visit the Library to have your pic taken with one of our mock moustaches!
Ladies (Mo Sistas, do it for a Bro you know!) 
  • take the MOVE challenge – do any kind of physical activity every day in November to show your support for men’s health
  • join our team! Need help setting up a fundraising page? Reply or visit the Library and we will help you get mo-ving!
  • jealous of our Mo Bros? Visit the Library to have your pic taken with one of our mock moustaches!
  • care about men’s health? Start a conversation and inspire a male colleague to take an active role in their health.

As per last year – photos, best-mo prizes & lots of fun guaranteed!!!

The fun continues in the Library for the month of November! 

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